Urban Riga Tour

Experience the contrast of modern Riga architecture and culture

Approximate Distance & Duration

~20 km, 4 hours


Explore Riga’s Hidden Gems by Bike: From Old Town to Mezapark. Ready to see a different side of Riga? Join our exciting bike tour and uncover the city’s alternative beautiful sights! Start your journey in Riga’s historic Old Town, cycling through its charming streets. Follow a dedicated bike route to Mezapark, a vast pine park beloved by locals. Marvel at the stunning Jugendstyle architecture in the UNESCO World Heritage district. Visit significant historical landmarks such as The Brothers’ Cemetery, The Great Cemetery, and the quaint “Small Switzerland” village. Enjoy a relaxing lakeside lunch in Mezapark, soaking in the fresh air and natural beauty. Discover why Mezapark is a local favorite for its tranquility and green spaces. Experience hidden gems of Riga, enjoying a perfect blend of historical landmarks and natural beauty. This tour offers a contemporary and thrilling way to explore Riga, taking you to places beloved by locals. Book your adventure today and see Riga like never before!

€40 per person

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